中文翻译与英英解释 | herb water (草药煎成的)汤药。
| | | herb: n. 1.草,草本植物。 2.茎叶可作药品、食品、香料等 ... | | tea: n. 1.茶;茶叶。 2.茶树。 3.茶水;茶汤。 4. ... | |
| tea-like drink made of leaves of various herbs 同义词:herbal tea, herbal,
例句与用法 | 1. | I had to take the herb tea although it ' s bitter 虽然汤药很苦,我还是不得不喝了。
| | 2. | Hot herb tea will help you with the flu 热的药茶对感冒有特效
| | 3. | You can also enjoy 25 kinds of herb tea inside the tea room 药草是自然的甜蜜魔法可以带给我们健康和平静的心情。
| | 4. | Restaurants - herb tea 饮食业-凉茶
| | 5. | Want some herb tea 要喝点药茶吗
| | 6. | I suggest you fast solid food and only drink liquids ( water , herb tea , broth ) on this day 我建议你禁固态食物,仅于当日喝流质(水,草茶,蔬菜、肉汤) 。
| | 7. | It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herb tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , and food sold from vending machines 此外,本署又签发许可证给售卖限制出售食物的店铺,如冰冻甜点奶类非瓶装饮料凉茶切开售卖的水果寿司及刺身不经烹煮而食用的蚝和肉类,以及经售卖机出售的食物等。
| | 8. | It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herb tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , and food sold from vending machines 此外,本署又签发许可证予售卖限制出售食物的店铺,如冰冻甜点、奶类、非瓶装饮料、凉茶、切开售卖的水果、寿司及刺身、不经烹煮而食用的蚝和肉类,以及经售卖机出售的食物等。
| | 9. | It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herb tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , and food sold from vending machines 此外,本署又签发许可证给售卖限制出售食物的店铺,如冰冻甜点、奶类、非瓶装饮料、凉茶、切开售卖的水果、寿司及刺身、不经烹煮而食用的蚝和肉类,以及经售卖机出售的食物等。
| | 10. | It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods , such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herb tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , food sold from vending machines , and for operating karaoke establishments in restaurants 此外,本署又签发许可证给某些店铺,以供售卖限制出售的食物,如冰冻甜点奶类非瓶装饮料凉茶切开售卖的水果寿司及刺身不经烹煮而食用的蚝和肉类,以及经售卖机出售的食物等。