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herb tea是什么意思

发布时间:2021-01-19 作者: 英语查

herb tea 是什么意思


herb water (草药煎成的)汤药。
herb:    n. 1.草,草本植物。 2.茎叶可作药品、食品、香料等 ...
tea:    n. 1.茶;茶叶。 2.茶树。 3.茶水;茶汤。 4. ...
tea-like drink made of leaves of various herbs
同义词:herbal tea, herbal,


1.I had to take the herb tea although it ' s bitter

2.Hot herb tea will help you with the flu

3.You can also enjoy 25 kinds of herb tea inside the tea room

4.Restaurants - herb tea

5.Want some herb tea

6.I suggest you fast solid food and only drink liquids ( water , herb tea , broth ) on this day
我建议你禁固态食物,仅于当日喝流质(水,草茶,蔬菜、肉汤) 。

7.It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herb tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , and food sold from vending machines

8.It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herb tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , and food sold from vending machines

9.It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herb tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , and food sold from vending machines

10.It also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods , such as frozen confections , milk , non - bottled drinks , chinese herb tea , cut fruit , sushi and sashimi , oysters and meat to be eaten raw , food sold from vending machines , and for operating karaoke establishments in restaurants

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